Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Wild Swans live in Manila, Philippines , October 1, 2011 – Finally! My Review

            The legendary New Wave band from Liverpool , England, The Wild Swans, was reported to perform here live as early as 2008; so, when it was officially announced that they were indeed performing for two consecutive nights in Cebu and Manila on September 30 and October 1, 2011,respectively-- this news was greeted with jubilation by Wild Swans fans here. Hats off to the concert organizers and producer!   
              The Manila leg was held at One Esplanade, located in  the SM Mall of Asia complex and overlooking Manila Bay. It is around 1000 square meter ballroom facility(see pictures  from their website) and was divided into three sections for the concert: VIP, Gold and Silver

 I arrived at the venue at 8:00 p.m. The parking area  was dark but  attendants were there eager to guide you. The strong winds and the crashing sound of the waves made me a bit jittery. There was  actually an ongoing typhoon ( signal no.1 in Metro Manila ); and it was only three days before,  when a previous typhoon caused a phenomenon   called, “storm surge”,  battering and flooding parts of the bay area. There were already a considerable number of people waiting in line for the doors to open. I noticed that many if not most  are wearing black shirts and some have  pictures and  the logo of   The Wild Swans emblazoned on it.    
There were three front  acts. First was by the Sid band which started at 8:30. I recognized the front man as the lead singer of a popular band here during the '90s, the Alamid band. They performed New Wave songs  such as  "Away" by Bolshoi, "Walk Away" by The Sisters of Mercy and "Chamber of Hellos" by Wire Train,  among others.   I must say they were great!  They provided the initial adrenaline rush and enveloped the area in New Wave  atmosphere. It was  followed by jazz singer Tricia Garcia. Included in her set were  jazzy renditions of New Wave songs. The third  was provided by a popular New Wave cover band, Kudos loves the 80s.
              At a little past 11 , it was the Wild Swans turn to come up the stage.   By the time they were set to perform, the venue was already filled at the VIP and Gold sections. It was not  jam-packed or sold-out but the audience turnout,  I would describe as, 'excellent.' ( Despite the hideous weather.)

            The following five band members came up the stage first : Stuart Mann, on drums; Richard Turvey ( Producer of their latest cd ), on keyboards; Mike Mooney, on lead guitar; Ricky Maymi, on  rhythm guitar; and  a familiar face among New Wave fans, Les Pattinson ( of  the Echo & the Bunnymen), on bass.
                As Paul Simpson came up the stage he was greeted by a warm and appreciative applause.

            Finally, what everyone have waited for, the Wild Swans opened their set with the rousing “Bible Dreams,”  immediately setting-off  a blast of  excitement and nostalgia. Seventeen other songs  with the trademark Wild Swans jangle, mixed with propulsive  post-punk  drumming and bass, and gothic keyboards; with the added sweet, melancholic, and poetic lyrics delivered  in a voice described  as  haunting  were unleashed one after another. (Interrupted only by some chatter from Paul and a little introduction of his band members.) 

            Seven (7/10) songs from the classic, Bringing Home The Ashes; 3 from Space Flowers; 4 from their latest (another classic) cd , The Coldest Winter For A Hundred Years; their 1981 debut single “Revolutionary Spirit” and its  b-side, “God Forbid”;  “No Bleeding", found on the Renascent compilation cd, Incandescent;  and lastly,   Care’s “Whatever Possessed You”. What more  can we ask for?

The band  gave a very solid performanc--tight and cohesive. Stuart Mann and Richard Turvey  looked  cool and performed  smoothly. Mike Mooney was in high gear  and Ricky Maymi was full of energy. The presence of Les Pattinson  was a very special  bonus  because Echo & the Bunnymen is also popular( and idolized) here. His swaying style of doing bass is still the same as compared with  his younger years in the 80s. Paul Simpson looked  elegant with his black suit and his stage presence exudes both enigma and gentlemanly confidence.     His legendary  voice is still the same after all the years (although he had difficulty with  the high notes). 

         The audience was very engaging and their enthusiasm never wavered all throughout the concert but the  loudest cheers   were  afforded to the two most popular  Wild Swans songs  here: "Whirpool Heart" and "Bringing Home The Ashes." The audience was up and jumping as they sang their hearts out. While performing the two aforementioned songs Paul  reached  out to acknowledge  his adoring fans.

Richard Turvey

Mike Mooney
Les Pattinson

Ricky Maymi

Stuart Mann


               The peak of the concert  I would say, was the last song. Paul  sang a tribute number to  his Filipino fans, “Whatever Possessed You,”  a very popular song  here among New Wave fanatics during the 80s. As mentioned  the song was originally done by Care, a duo composed of Paul Simpson and Ian Broudie. The euphoric audience was so fired-up and sang along passionately.   

               After the concert,  there was a sort of a  comical   incident  courtesy of some fans who were  pleading for one more song by  incessantly shouting  in a vocal chord-shredding (and eardrum-shattering) shrill , "Flaming Sword! Flaming Sword! "Flaming Sword!"...another well-loved classic  by Care. Everyone was laughing to that. The Wild Swans then took time for picture taking and signed autographs  

               All in all  the concert was worth every centavo  spent. After waiting for  many years it was a magical feeling,  seeing  for the first time,  a  revered and legendary band perform live.  It was truly one of the most memorable New Wave concerts I have ever attended.

Autographed set list taken form the photos provided by the concert organizer.
  Although not noticeable on the list , they actually performed “Tangerine Temple” before "Whatever Possessed You."  

P.S.  I would like to acknowledge and thank the following for the  pictures:
  Giselle Roque Palma - also for bringing the Wild Swans here.  
  Mr. Eric Dantoc/


  1. Wow! I only saw this now...and thank you!!!

    skyray is love,

  2. thanks for the post.. it brings back memories... hope to watch them live...
