Araneta Coliseum
It was drizzling last night, as if purposely cooling-off the hot summer day for an all important event among Pinoy New Wavers, happening at
the historic
Coliseum, that is, the Liverpool’s
iconic synthpop veterans
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark’s-- a.k.a. OMD first live concert here in the country.
To the hordes of Pinoy New Wavers who troop to the coliseum last night, it was another nostalgic moment to cherish. As a witness to one of the greatest era of pop history, OMD’s endearing, high-energy, and electrifying performance serves as a perfect reminder to us, of how AWESOME was (and still is) 80's NEW WAVE MUSIC.
Set list: Dazzle Ships, New Babies: New Toys, Messages, Tesla Girls, Radio Waves, History of Modern (Part 1), Forever Live and Die, If You Leave, Souvenir, Joan of Arc, Maid Of Orleans, Statues, Green, So In Love, Sister Marie Says, Locomotion, Dreaming, Sailing on the Seven Seas, Enola Gay. Encore: Walking On A Milky Way Way, Secret, Electicity
As expected, their popular songs here earned the loudest cheers: "Enola Gay," Souvenir," "Secret," So In love," "If You leave," "(Forever) Live and Die," and "Dreaming."
The most applauded song: "Secret"
The most applauded new song: "Sister Marie Says"
I was quite disappointed that though the event was well-attended and successful, it did not sell-out .
The three new songs they performed such as "New Babies:New Toys," "History of Modern (Part 1)" and "Sister Mary Says," could fit well in their greatest hits collection. OMD is a relevant band - not just for nostalgia.
This is part of the History of Modern Tour but there was no History of Modern CD available
Andy McCluskey's passionate performance was truly amazing! Among the many adjectives used to describe his dancing style are the following: bizarre, awkward, frantic, jerking, energetic , gyrating and weird
The three Paul Humphrey's sung numbers were amongst the most applauded.
Andy McCluskey was able to keep the energy and the crowd moving. Even in slow tempo songs and in some unfamiliar (to most in attendance) album tracks like the 1983 Dazzle Ships' gem, "Radio Waves" (this song actually predates OMD) and "Statues" from 1980 Organisation, he was able to enthrall the audience.
It's great that their classical line-up is complete but from were I sat at the Upper Box-A section, I could hardly notice Mal Holmes and Martin Cooper. I wish the stage was as bright as their music.
Selling for Php 1,500 pesos , I was wondering what's with the souvenir t-shirt?
I'm glad I bought the OMD Live in Berlin CD/hardback book History of Modern 2010 Tour Programme. It's worth it.
My favorite quote of the night from Andy McCluskey: feeling that the crowd's response was a bit lacking (we were awed) after their opening number , "New babies: New toys," he uttered, " I know that was a new one, don't look so frightened, we're going to play all the hits," elliciting loud cheers from the audience.
In terms of enthusiasm, passion, energy, great performace and love for interacting with the audience, Andy McCluskey is among the best , if not the best among New Wave acts I've witnessed.
My souvenirs - Poster, CD/2010 Tour Programme book & promotional card |