Saturday, November 12, 2011

GO WEST LIVE IN MANILA, PHILIPPINES 11-11-11 … surprisingly, low turnout!

           English pop duo Go West held a concert yesterday,  Nov. 11, 2011 at East Wood Mall Open Park, Quezon City, Metro Manila.  Surprisingly, not too many people watched the concert, despite  essentially a  free show. I  estimated the number of seats in the pay-section to be around 200  but  there  were many empty seats and by the look of it, there weren't many people watching for free at the open park either.

           The concert started very late, about one and a half hour past 7 in the evening,  the time of the concert as  advertised. This was understandable because there were hardly any people at the venue at that time. As to why this was so, I don’t know. Was it the weather? Was it the advertising or the lack of it? I don’t think so, because this was announced almost a month ago  and giant billboards promoting the concert were seen along the Metropolis. Was it because it’s a week day( even if its Friday)? Perhaps, people were tired from work and/or traffic. Anyway,  they will perform another  show at Venice Piazza, McKinley Hill, Metro Manila today.

            Whatever the reasons for the lower than expected turnout, the seeming lack of energy in the venue was even compounded by the fact that Go West did not bring along a backing band. (I’m not complaining). Not even the brilliant voice of Peter Cox and his exceptional performance (as well as Richard Drummie’s cool and smooth backing), could lighten-up the place in sufficient level. No one even dared to stand-up and dance to “  King Of  Wishful Thinking” or swayed to “What You Won’t Do For Love.”    

             All in all,  low turnout and no backing band aside, it was an excellent  performance by the duo.  Peter Cox is evidently a great live performer(see video),  very intense and soulful. They sang 11 songs which included all their essential hits such as , the two songs mentioned above, "Call Me," "We Close Our Eyes," "Don't Look Down" and "Faithful" amongst others. I  just hope their would be an excellent turnout at Venice Piazza  today because this  duo is truly worth watching.    

My Go West Cds and the souvenir t-shirt 

What You Won't Do For Love (from,com)

I would like to acknowledge and thank HAPPYREDPANDA.YOUTUBE.COM for the video

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


John Taylor  Roger Taylor  Nick Rhodes Simon Le Bon
          For an 80’s New Wave music enthusiast, a visit to local music stores nowadays can be unrewarding. They hardly sell CDs of New Wave bands/ artists anymore; except for a few, such as the latest releases of Depeche Mode, U2, The Cure and Pet Shop Boys. However unrewarding though it may be, sometimes it still pays to visit your favorite music bars regularly or  at least from time to time. Just like when I chanced upon a lone copy of a locally pressed  Duran Duran’s  All You Need Is Now CD stacked inconspicuously along the indie section CDs…

            First  let me  say that I’m not a big Duran Duran fan, although I like their music. Who wouldn’t? Perhaps only the uncompromising  Spandau Ballet fanatic who’s still living in the 80’s. Any teenager who did not tap their foot to a Duran Duran song in the 80’s probably lived somewhere in the Twilight Zone or the Neverland; but despite their huge popularity here  with their songs being  played ubiquitously  on  FM stations during that era, somehow  I never  gravitated towards  them.

           Until recently,  I have never bought any  Duran Duran  record or cassette tape or CD  at about the time of its release. Before I picked-up All You Need Is Now CD,  I have only three CDs of Duran Duran  and   I purchased them years after their original release. They are namely:  their must-have 1998 Greatest Hits compilation; their excellent 1993 comeback Wedding Album , which I bought mainly because of the song “Femme Fetale” which I love and  couldn’t forget from the cassette tape I borrowed from a classmate in graduate school back in the early 90’s; and their consensus best album Rio. I just got to have it.    

            I learned about this release when I came across  a review by a  local blogger who is a die-hard Duran Duran  fan. The blogger concluded that “the boys are back and they are raising hell.” I am glad they are still swinging but the thought of getting this CD never entered my mind, not even a remote thought, until I found myself standing in front of it ,  holding it with both hands with my instinct  clashing with my conscience. My instinct was saying, “it’s not every day that you see a CD like this; definitely very limited copies were pressed locally; it’s relatively affordable; this may be the last copy available"; "better get this before somebody else does.” On the other hand my conscience was saying, “  you were never interested in their previous releases, why would you be interested in their new cd now?; don’t buy this, buy something else that’s worthwhile or don’t buy at all!”-- Thankfully, my instinct prevailed because this awesome CD blew me away. Here is my take:

            This is an EXCELLENT release! It was advertised as a return-to-roots homage to Duran Duran’s most celebrated musical panache. It was touted as the son of Rio. Yes, it’s everything as advertised! I totally agree with  all those Amazon customers and professional reviewers who praised this album. Expecting nothing special, it was  an ambush when I placed it in my CD player. The opening track, the first single, and the cover title, “All You Need Is Now” began somewhat lackluster with the lazy vocals from  LeBon; however, when it got to the  chorus, where he was singing: “and you sway in the moon the way you did when you were younger"--up to the infectious line --“all you need is now,” there was no turning back. It is truly the son of Rio, somehow the images of LeBon  on  a yacht in the "Rio" music  video kept  on  flashing in my mind as I listened to the CD. The production is great! Clean and smooth.  Every  instruments is sounding crisp and clear. LeBon is sounding so much  better too. 

               In general, this is full of energy, very melodic, funky, groovy with many  memorable hooks and lines; and-- very radio friendly, (Unfortunately, it will not receive any.)  For me every  track  is a winner, including the short semi-instrumental  track no.  7 ("Diamond In The Mind" )and  the instrumental no.13 ("Return To Now").  I’d like to think that the two tracks  were intentionally placed there, in that order, to serve as a respite,  for the listener to catch his  breath and recover his  bearings  after listening to tracks 1-6 and tracks 8-12.  This is the kind of CD you will listen to and enjoy from the beginning to the end. Absolutely a must-have, not only to the die-hard Duran Duran fans but to  casual fans fans as well; and is highly recommended  to all fans of 80’s New Wave Music.     
            How would I compare it with my two other Duran Duran studio albums? Well, even  the  perfect song Ordinary World cannot save The Wedding Album from the  barrage of 'Pacquiao-like  punches' from this cd-- All You Need Is Now via TKO.  Rio is in a higher weight class though; but still, it will give it a run for the money; but in the end,  its Rio via  a close unanimous decision.

1.All You Need Is Now
2. Blame The Machines 
3. Being Followed
4. Leave A Light On
5. Safe
6. Girl Panic! 
7. Diamond In The Mind
8. The Man Who Stole A Leopard
9. Other Peoples Lives
10. Mediterranea 
11. Too Bad You're So Beautiful 
12. Runway Runaway 
13. Return To Now
14. Before The Rain 

My Duran Duran Cds: Upper L-R(Clockwise) Rio; Duran Duran( aka The Wedding Album);Greatest Hits; All You Need Is Now

Wednesday, November 2, 2011



Martin Fry

Martin Fry and Mark White

          I didn’t know that ABC (Martin Fry) is still rocking until last month, October 2011. While surfing the net, I came across a poster from Café 80’s showing Go West, Tony Hadley and ABC’s upcoming concert here in the Philippines on November 2011. Stated at the bottom was, “only from Steve O’Neal Productions.”  Excitedly I immediately visited Steve O’Neal’s website;  but there was no announcement, not even a word. I can’t find any details from the internet either, including the band’s website.  I figured this must be in the negotiation phase but-- since it’s already November and still no word regarding the said concert, it’s safe to conclude that it won’t push through. At least not yet, I hope.

            The  poster brought me renewed interest in ABC. During the mid-80's, their song “Be Near Me” was very popular here. Their other songs which I remembered hearing on the radio or was able to view the music video during the 80’s were as follows: "How To Be A Millionaire," "Vanity Kills" and "When Smokey Sings." From their music videos, my initial impression  was  that,  they were another one of those quirky bands, with weird hairdos, outlandish outfits and with funny but silly videos-- but I like them, especially, Martin Fry’s voice and his theatrical manner of singing. Their songs are a very  'New Wavish' sounding mix of pop, funk and soul. (Melodic and very catchy.)
            During the 90’s I was able to buy for the first time an ABC CD called, Absolutely, a greatest hits compilation from their first five albums. I realized then that they got many wonderful songs aside from their tunes I already know. “Ocean Blue” and “The Look Of Love” became two of my favorites.     
            The past decade I bought two of their remastered edition CBs. Their critically acclaimed and commercially most successful, The Lexicon Of Love and my personal favorite, Alphabet City. I must say, both  are excellent releases. But despite having three of their albums which I still  play( and enjoy) from time to time, I must admit , I don’t really pay much attention to ABC…not as much as compared to my all time favorite New Wave bands . I didn’t  know until last month, that Martin Fry revived ABC  and  released  an album, Skyscraping, in 1997.  I didn’t  know that an excellent 2 disc  compilation (ABC Gold) with two new tracks was pressed here locally back in 2006. I just found out that one, again only last month when I saw it for sale in Ebay.  ABC's  latest album , Traffic, was release in 2008.

Martin Fry interview, April 30 ,2008 

            After I read about Traffic, I was a able to view in Amazon a video of a live concert rendition of the song “ The Very First Time.” Instantly, I liked it!  Absolutely classic ABC. On the strength of that song alone, I ordered the CD and here is my take…

            On first listen, “For The Very First Time” grabbed me by the neck. Such a wonderful  song! Very catchy and groovy with that familiar ABC vibe or style  that one customer from Amazon describes as “twinkly.”  Two other songs caught my attention, namely: “Love Is Strong and Caroline” The opening riff of the first track, “Sixteen Seconds To Choose”, reminded me of  Deep Purple (the hard rock band.)  I thought that track was quite heavy and 'unABC.'   

            After repeated listens, I must say, this is a very good album. Cut  above the rest is “ The Very First Time.” This song would sit well with their greatest works.   Very good songs are the following: "Love Is Strong," "Caroline,"  "Life Shapes You" and "One Way Traffic." The rest are all good songs but those I find memorable are: "Ride," "Way Back When," 'Validation," "Lose Yourself" and "Minus Love." That leaves only two songs which have not grown on me yet . The opening “Sixteen Seconds to Choose” and “Fugitive."

            The album is as ABC as it can get.  Melodic and   catchy mixed of pop, soul, and funk delivered the ABC way. Martin Fry is sounding still very much like Martin Fry of the 80’s. The production is great as well. Everything is sounding clear and great in my Yamaha sound system.The packaging though is a  very simple three fold digipack with no booklet and  pictures. 

          How would Traffic measure up with my other ABC studio albums? It does measure up quite well, although, it would place a not so distant third behind my favorite Alphabet City (no.1) and The Lexicon Of Love.   

" The Very First Time - Live

Love Is Strong
            All in all, this is a very good release by ABC. A must-have for the esoteric ABC fans and a very good buy for the casual ABC and 80’s New Wave music fans. As for me this is definitely for keeps.   

track list:
  1. "Sixteen Seconds to Choose"
  2. "The Very First Time"
  3. "Ride"
  4. "Love Is Strong"
  5. "Caroline"
  6. "Life Shapes You"
  7. "One Way Traffic"
  8. "Way Back When"
  9. "Validation"
  10. "Lose Yourself"
  11. "Fugitives"
  12. "Minus Love"

  Brieff  history of ABC  from Wikipedia:
ABC has its roots in the band Vice Versa. Vice Versa was formed in 1977 in Sheffield by Stephen Singleton, Mark White and David Sydenham. They founded their own label, Neutron Records, releasing the EP Music 4. They had similarities to The Human League, whom they supported in 1978. Martin Fry, who wrote the fanzine Modern Drugs, interviewed the band; shortly afterwards, they asked him to join as synthesizer player. Fry accepted. Within a short time, the band evolved into ABC, with Fry taking over on lead vocals

By 1984, the band was essentially a duo of Martin Fry and Mark White . Mark White left the band after the 1991 album, Abracadabra. Martin Fry resurrected ABC in 1997. Since then, he has been actively touring and had released two ABC albums .

ABC Studio Albums:

The Lexicon of Love (1982
Beauty Stab (1983)
How to Be a...Zillionaire! (1985)
Alphabet City (1987)
Up (1989)
Abracadabra (1991)
Skyscraping (1997)
Traffic (2008)

I would like to acknowledge and thank for the "Love Strong" video.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


            Last week, while visiting Odyssey music store in Gateway Mall, Cubao. I  saw a Tears for Fears  compilation CD  under the  heading Ultimate Classics. It turned out to be the Gold compilation that was originally released in 2006 by Universal Records. I don’t know if it was released here back then but the   print at  the back says , "2011 Philippine copyright by  Universal Music International." So, either this is a reissue or it is being released  here for the first time. After checking the tracks, I never had any second   thoughts-- I purchased it. To me this is the best Tear for Fears compilation I’ve seen in our  local music stores. ( They got so many international compilations).  The Tears Roll Down (Greatest Hits 82-92) released in 1992 is already obsolete. The 2007  Famous Last Words: The Collection, which I still see in the record bars is an excellent 2 discs compilation but included are many b-sides, bonus tracks and some rare tracks. This  suits  best  the hard core or the 'completeist'  fans. For the casual (and  the 'not so die-hard')  fans like me, this is a must-have  for the following reasons:

    1. "The Way You Are” is included here – The disc 1 of this compilation is almost the same as   the   1992 Tears Roll Down compilation  except for one track. “I Believe” was replaced by “The Way You Are" which I  remembered  received more airtime here during the 80’s and was shown more frequently on MTV. It is actually one of my early favorite Tears for Fears song. It is also found in  bootleg New Wave and  Tears for Fears CDs  in the 90s. It is also included as a bonus track  in the remastered edition of The Hurting CD  but in an extended version. To those who are put-off from purchasing the Famous Last Words:The Collection cd ( which also includes “The Way You Are”) because of the many interspersed unfamiliar or 'unessential' tracks, this compilation is the answer.

   2.  Great  song arrangement – the songs are arranged chronologically based on the albums they were taken  from. Example: tracks 1-3 from there debut album; followed by the single only release, “The Way You Are”;  Tracks 5-8 from their second album; 9 -11 from their third album ; and the 12th track , “Laid So Low”from their 1992 greatest hits compilation.

  3.     All their big hits are here – including the hits and popular songs from the Roland Orzabal’s  Tears for Fears era,  Elemental ('93) and  Raoul And The Kings Of Spain ('95) albums, as well as their reunion 2004 album, Everybody Loves A Happy Ending.

 4.    This compilation also have the excellent song  “New Star”, found also on the   1996  b-sides and rarities  collection, Saturnine, Martian and the Lunatic cd and   the Famous Last Words:The Collection , as well as the 1994 sountrack of the movie ,Threesome.

5.    It also have the unreleased Beatlesque song,  “Floating Down The River (Once Again)" from the Everybody Loves A Happy Ending, sessions. This song can also be found in the Secret World Live In Paris DVD.

6. Extensive liner notes and many pictures.
 7. Available in our local music stores.

Disc 1:
1. Mad World
2. Pale Shelter
3. Change
4. The Way You Are
5. Shout
6. Everybody Wants To Rule The World
7. Mother's Talk (us remix)
8. Head Over Heels
9. Woman In Chain
10. Sowing The Seeds Of Love
11. Advice For The Young At Hearts
12 Laid So Low (Tears Roll Down)

1. Elemental
2. Cold
3. Break It Down Again
4. New Star
5. Raoul And The King Of Spain
6. God's Mistake
7. Closest Thing To Heaven
8. Who Killed Tangerine?
9. Call Me Mellow
10. Secret World
11. Floating Down The River
12. Mad World (live)

     Although, I think this is their best compilation, it is no way perfect as each disc contains only 12 tracks . There are  a lot of space left on both discs to include their other essential singles and  albums tracks   such as “Suffer The Children,” “The Working Hour ” and  “I Believe” among others.

Famous Last Words: The Collection

Tears Roll Down (Greatest Hits '82-'92)'

My Tears for Fears Cds
  The essential Tears for Fears CDs for the 'not so die-hard fans' in my opinion are.
  1.The Hurting ‘83
  2.Songs From A Big Chair ‘85
  3.Everybody Loves A Happy Ending ‘04
  4.Tear for Fears Gold compilation   ‘06


       Last  Jan. 21, 2011 ( 10 months ago), I saw one of my all time favorite bands for  the second time, when they held a free concert at East Wood Mall Open Park. It has been almost a decade since I first saw them when they visited the country, sometime in December 2002. I was  happy to see them again and ecstatic that the concert was free--but I was not satisfied, not because of their performance, but because of the rain. Talk about climate change, in my four decades of existence, I don’t recall any rain happening in January, except perhaps on New Years Day. Here’s how the rain ruined my night:
            First, to get a good spot, I was  at the venue an hour early, but the   intermittent rains, from slight to heavy downpour,  not only resulted in a significant  delay but also caused me my original spot. 

          Second, no matter how much I tried to enjoy China Crisis’ free  concert; the constant drippings from  my fellow audience’s umbrellas  kept me out of focus. Sometimes it  dripped on my  shoulder, sometimes on my back and sometimes on my arms. The umbrellas were also blocking the view intermittently. 

           Third, although I was trying hard to conceal it,  my (middle-aged) legs were feeling very heavy due to  the long hours of standing. 

             What saved the day that night, was Gary and Eddie’s (great guys!) signature on one of my cds and the free  photo shoot  I had with them, courtesy of the East Wood Mall management. I also got to purchase a souvenir t-shirt and a cd containing  their demo songs. At the back of my mind, I was saying, “I woundn’t mind  paying  to see them  live; in a formal venue. I hope they would comeback."

            When I thought, I hope they would comeback, it never crossed my mind, not even a wishful thinking, that they will be back in just 8 months. What do you think is the probability that a foreign act such as China Crisis,  will comeback and do a concert again, only 8 months after they held a concert in Manila? (Low to probably none.)  I was so  surprised when a read the announcement of their upcoming concert at SMX on Sept.9, 2011. Maybe,  they were invited again by Mr. Steve O’Neal (concert producer) to heed the clamor from  many  of the  (unsatisfied?)  audiences ( like me) of their January concert,  who wanted to see them again. Whatever was the reason, it was certainly a welcome one.

            SMX, according to their website is the  Philippines largest privately-run exhibition and convention facility. It is located in the SM Mall of Asia complex, the fourth largest mall in the world. The venue was divided into three sections namely: VIP, Gold and Silver. Concert time as printed on the ticket, starts at 8:00 P.M. I was there 30 minutes early but they only let the audience in at around 8. The turnout I would say was very good. The concert started past 9 ( I’m not complaining) with the first opening act by a local band, Kenyo. Five songs were performed by Kenyo. Great performance. Next was three songs  from a local acoustic band. The third to perform was their co-mainevent, xSimple Minds, who belted out eight songs (if my memory serves me right). Superb performance! As expected, the crowd was up and singing along when they were performing,  "Don’t You (Forget About Me)  and " Alive And Kicking.”


        It took quite a while for China Crisis to set their instruments and sound system. During the lull, two autographed acoustic guitars by xSimple Minds and China Crisis’ band members, as well as several consolation prizes were raffled-off.  At a little past 11, the moment that everyone waited for, China Crisis went up the stage and  opened  with the mood setting, “Seven sports for all” (just like in  their previous concert here), the first song  of their debut album.  This was followed by “Wall Of God” an excellent track  from the Flaunt The Imperfections album. Next was the reggae-tinged, "Strength Of Character."  “You Did Cut Me” followed  and just like in their previous concert, upon reaching the chorus,   Gary Daly   urged the audience to sing  to the chorus of Minnie Riperton's, “Lovin' You” ( “shalalalala shalalalala dobidoo bidoooo ahahahahah”). Everyone was laughing.  Apparently Gary Daly had “Lovin' You” in  mind when he wrote that song. Afterwards, they sang four of their popular  classics, before taking a short break: “Working With Fire And Steele”, “Black Man Ray”, Wishful Thinking”, and “King In A Catholic Style.”  As expected, “Wishful Thinking”, their most famous song, got the loudest roar. With the audience screaming for more, they returned  for the encore: the sublime, “Christian,” the classic “African And White” and the Eddie Lundon sung “Gift Of Freedom.”

             For me, this was their best performance here. Perhaps because unlike their previous concerts, this time they brought their own backing band. Gary's singing and Eddie's guitar playing were great as usual. The band performance was excellent. Noticeable was the young female drummer. She is 23 year old Sian Monaghan, once a student of Eddie Lundon at Paul McCartney's Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts.  True blue China Crisis fan would have recognized the man playing the keyboards. It was Brian McNeil, an official member from the What Price Paradise" (1986) to the “Diary Of A Hollow Horse" (1989) albums.. Having been here for the third time, it seems Gary  Daly is  more at ease, as his  flamboyance and humurous side are more evident. He took to  the stage wearing a rubber shoes, jeans , green shirt,  a blue blazer and a hat ala Indiana Jones. He later took-off his blazer and proudly  showed the  'Filipino' word printed on his shirt. That was a nice gesture. He chatted with the audience and made them laugh with his good humor.  At one point he serenaded the audience while sitting at the edge of the stage. Some female fans took this opportunity to get near him and have their photos taken while others  hugged  and kissed him on the cheeks. In another incident, he got off the stage and went to the silver section (at the side) to grant the fervent wish of a   female fan  to come near him. The  fan put her arms around Mr. Daly’s arm while  he was singing. As always, Eddie Lundon seems very contented with his guitar. You can sense the passion for his craft by the way he 'feels' the music while he is strumming.

All in all, it was another  great night of nostalgic New Wave music. It was an excellent performance by the China Crisis--but again--’m not satisfied . Why? Because they sang only 11 songs! It was too good to be short!  With their many pop-classics, they could have  sung more, that's why  I WANT THEM BACK!

Set List:
  1. Seven Sports For All
  2. Wall Of God
  3. Strength Of Character
  4. You Did Cut Me
  5. Working With Fire And Steele
  6. Black Man Ray
  7. Wishful Thinking
  8. King In A Catholic Style
  9. Christian
  10. African  And  White
  11. Gift Of Freedom

My dream China Crisis Set List:           

1.African And White
2.  Seven Sports For All
3.  Christian
4.  Some People I Know To Lead Fantastic Lives
5.  Wishful Thinking
6.   Working With Fire And Steele
7.   Soul Awakening
8.   Black Man Ray
9..  Highest High
10. Bigger The Punch I’m Feeling
11. You Did Cut Me
12.  King In A Catholic Style
!3.  June Bride
14.  Arizona Sky
15.  Saint Savior Square

16.  Red Letter Day
17.  Hands On The Wheel
18. Everyday The Same

Iwould like to acknowlege and thank the following:
Eric Dantoc/ for the pictures
Cafe 80's for the additional  pictures